Tuesday, November 2, 2021

National Parks Tours From Starting In Las Vegas


National Parks Tours From Starting In Las Vegas

Read More Link: https://www.bindlestifftours.com/


The National Parks System in the United States is a series of federally protected and funded areas that are available to all citizens and visitors in exchange for a nominal entry fee.  The National Parks System is operated by the national park service, which was created as part of the department of the interior in 1916 under the organic act.  The intent of the national park service was to oversee and operate the federally protected areas in the United States, providing management of these regions so as to prohibit destruction of their natural beauty and protection of their objects and wildlife.  This charge was designed specifically to protect these regions for future generations to enjoy and learn from.  While there were numerous areas that were designated previously as national monuments under the antiquities act, the first official national park was created in 1875 by Ulysses S Grant and was known as Yellowstone.  Since then there have been 62 total areas in the United States that are protected and known as national Parks.


Every year the national Parks of the United States come under fire by opposition who claimed that the amount of Federal money that is spent on their upkeep and running are not worth the amount of tourism that happens at their gates.  They will argue that these areas should be opened up for development by private industry, or have their Federal funding cut as a result of low tourism numbers.  One can and must be understood with regards to these types of spaces is that they are generally located in remote areas their only accessible through driving.  People have to drive at least a few hours from a starting point to get to most any national park, and because of the significant driving times the amount of tourist traffic that happens every year is driven down.  Recent advertising campaigns to raise awareness for the national Parks in the United States have increased tourism significantly, especially at the Parks that are located closer to major cities than others.  Zion Canyon is a perfect example of this, having seen one of the largest increases in tours and rates over the course of the last few years of all of the Parks in the United States.  This is primarily due to its location being within 2.5 hours of Las Vegas.  People have realized but they can utilize Las Vegas as a starting point that they can fly into in order to see significant amounts of driving hours to get to the park.  And other option is to utilize one of the many tour companies that can provide transportation from Las Vegas to the Parks in the American Southwest, saving yourself the hassle of driving and planning the small element of your trip.  There are some national Parks they are considered drivable from Las Vegas, the most of which are located around four hours were more from the city.  If you’d like more information about national Parks tours that start in Las Vegas, contact us today

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